London Calling, eBITUG 2017


The European NonStop Symposium will be hitting UK shores this year, with London taking on the role as host, and the BITUG Committee as dutiful organisers. TCM, having an inside man (Collin Yates – TCM’s Technical Director and BITUG Committee Board Member), has witnessed the hard work and commitment that’s gone into making this a very special event indeed. We are certain it will live up to the high standards we’ve come to expect from Europe’s premier NonStop event.

And, it is for this very reason that we will be attended en-masse.  No fewer than seven of the TCM team will be in attendance, spreading the good word of TCM, sharing our wares and delivering not one, but two presentations. Our very own Rick Stather will be sharing (on behalf of a Customer) a presentation on ‘Migrations using Data Replication’, (Wednesday 3.35pm, Gallery 4), and yours truly will be once again sharing TCM’s “Adapt or Die: The NonStop Skills Gap” (Tuesday 1.20pm, Gallery 2) presentation.

Sounds serious… it is!

Ok, it might not be quite as sinister as the title suggests, but nevertheless there is an issue we’ve all talked about, but are yet to face up to. This presentation pokes a little fun at the problems our NonStop community faces and offer a few ideas in the way of a solution. But I won’t say any more now, I’ll save the rest until Tuesday. I’m sure I’ll see you there.

As always, TCM will be showcasing our sustained efforts in the field of NonStop support solutions. This year we are placing particular emphasis on our Cloud-based solutions – aimed at simplifying the delivery of quality NonStop resource, regardless of your location. And due to popular demand, we will of course be returning with the samples of our home town’s finest single malts.


TCM is all geared up and looking forward to eBitug 2017. We hope to see you there.

Daniel Craig | Operations Director | |